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The Character-Based Relationship and Sexual Integrity Education (C.B.R.S.I.E) training is a specialized training on sexuality education based on directive, Pre-Marital Abstinence Model of the WAIT Programme. It is also a faith-based counselling for godly counsel and advice to transform troublesome character ad situations. This model was designed to:

  1. Create understanding if human dignity
  2. Improve goal setting and decision making skills
  3. Teach assertiveness skills and managing pressure
  4. Profile Personalities for Career Assessment
  5. Improve skills for impulse and boundary control
  6. Teach skills for building Godly relationship without sexual involvement
  7. Enhance skill to overcome the pressure of drug ad sexual addiction
  8. Teach science of healthy relationship and sex refusal skills

The goals of which are to:

  1. Increase the age to become sexually active
  2. Reduce the number of sexually active teenagers
  3. Reduce general sexual activity among the unmarried
  4. Increase the number of teens and young adults who are willing to commit to abstinence
  5. Increase the number of previously sexually active teens who are now choosing abstinence.

At the end of the training sessions, participants are given opportunity to make “a purity vow/pledge”.  They are thereafter adorned with a piece of “My Purity Vow Wristband”. This is a token to serve as a reminder for them whenever they are forced with the temptation for sexual immorality and all forms of addiction.

The C.B.R.S.I.E training has been taken to 6 schools so far:

  1. ISI Christian Fellowship, U.I,
  2. Oasis International High School, Liberty Academy, Idi – Iroko, Odo Ona Elewe, Ibadan.
  3. Pathfinder College, Sango- U.I Road, Samonda, Ibadan.
  4. Sow The Seed College, Model College, Asipa Road, Alakia, Ibadan.
  5. Graceland Heights School, Sawmill Road, Wofun, Monatan, Ibadan.
  6. Providence High School, Km 12, New Ife Road, Ibadan

The training spans for 3 to 4 weeks; about 1 hour, 30 minutes per session of one day during the week. Over 1000 students have been impacted by this training.

Would you like to partner with us to bring this to teens and young adults in your school, church or other establishment?

Click here to contact us.

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