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Among other things, the W.A.I.T training was conceived in order to:

  • provide opportunities for students, from their earliest years to develop character traits like respect for self and others, responsibility, honesty, self-discipline, intentionality, personal power, self-control, integrity, fairness, courage etc.

  • expose the effects of drug and alcohol use on decision making

  • give students the opportunities to participate in pre and post-tests, class surveys, youth-risk behavior surveys, grades and evaluated class assignments, student reports/projects

  • expose students to comprehensive content test at the end of the programme

  • afford students the privilege of taking a pledge to abstain from alcohol, drugs and premarital sex

At the end of the training session, participants are given the opportunity to make “a purity vow/pledge”. They are thereafter adorned with a piece of “My purity Vow Wrist Band”. This is a token to serve as a reminder for them whenever they are forced with the temptation for sexual immorality and all forms of addiction.

This conference was held for 2 days.

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